Programming Your Dreams, Some Specifics

“Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.” —Thomas Edison Following in Edison’s footsteps, I experiment with programming dreams to answer questions; I’ve created my own methods, based on my understanding of Remote Viewing theory. I’ve had some success, so a friend of mine asked me to advise on good questions to pose… Continue reading Programming Your Dreams, Some Specifics

In Search Of: Psychic Sea Hunt

File this one under ‘where’s the evidence?’ Ingo Swann (‘the father of remote viewing’) and Hella Hammid use remote viewing to psychically locate a previously unknown shipwreck, 270 feet under the ocean. You can read an interview with the experiment’s creator Stephen Schwartz where he discusses how the experiment was set up. Highlights: “In nonlocal awareness… Continue reading In Search Of: Psychic Sea Hunt