On Courtney Brown’s “Farsight Planet 2014: Great Pyramid of Giza”

On 3/14/14 remote viewer Courtney Brown launched his new project “The Great Pyramid of Giza: The Mystery solved”. He hyped the launch for about 6 weeks on his FaceBook page, with frequent postings of “implications”1. On Jan 22 on his Facebook page, Courtney characterized the announcement: “Something important is going to happen sometime next month,… Continue reading On Courtney Brown’s “Farsight Planet 2014: Great Pyramid of Giza”

ESP in Dreams, Dream Interpretation, and Personal Inclemencies

Lately I’ve been interested in programming my dreams to answer questions.  Because of my interest in remote viewing (think ESP for science types), my questions tend towards precognitions and other types of things that I would not have a direct awareness of. Because remote viewing involves bubbling up information accessed by the subconscious, it occurred to… Continue reading ESP in Dreams, Dream Interpretation, and Personal Inclemencies