Programming Your Dreams, Some Specifics

“Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.”

—Thomas Edison
Following in Edison’s footsteps, I experiment with programming dreams to answer questions; I’ve created my own methods, based on my understanding of Remote Viewing theory. I’ve had some success, so a friend of mine asked me to advise on good questions to pose to dreams when looking for career guidance, something along the lines of, “what job am I going to have next?”
Take the following advice with a large grain of salt. I have only been doing this methodically for about a year. I rate the accuracy of my own results as, “fair, needing improvement.” Others might rate my results differently. But any success is astonishing when experienced first hand, so if I can give you enough guidance to have even one precognitive dream, you would likely be thrilled.
Without going into details, I have had a few astonishing hits; I’ve had far more ambiguous dreams that become clear only in retrospect after what they were indicating had come to pass, and I’ve had still more dreams for which— while I suspect they were precognitions— I’ve had no feedback indicating that they were. (In the future I’d like to quantify this). I’ve had a couple of dreams that the feedback indicated I was picking up on other’s emotions or situations. In the absence of feedback, I would have been unaware that such dreams were anything other than mere dreams.


You will need a way to A) recall and B) write down dreams you think may contain an answer. More is better.
I would love to tell you that all the best meaningful dreams are the last ones that happen before you wake up, but I have had meaningful dreams throughout the night, and I suspect the first dreams of the night are the most likely to be meaningful. Unfortunately, those are also the ones you are least likely to remember when you wake up in the morning, so you will need to wake up at various points throughout the night to jot down your dreams. Last night I asked how best to answer my friend’s very question. Groggy around 2-ish, I had an inkling that a dream just gave me an answer. Alas, I went back to sleep, and now the content of that dream is lost to me.
As for waking strategies, having to go pee helps, but having to pee can also create pee dreams. For whatever reason (age, weak bladder, habit, hunger, eagerness, you pick) I wake up several times a night. [EDIT: Since writing this article I learned I have sleep apnea; that is why I awoke so often at night, and it was definitely not a good thing. I now wear CPAP, sleep much better, wake earlier, and refreshed. If you wake up more than 3*/night that is not a virtue, it’s a serious health problem; see a sleep doctor.] I created a FileMaker Go database that I use on my phone for keeping notes about dreams.

Word Choice & Clarity

For most people, the questions, “what will my next job be?” and “what will my next career be?” have two different answers. Don’t confuse your subconscious, pay close attention to your words; accurately describe what you are looking for. Clarity is important—which is it that you really are asking about: your job or your career? Only you know the answer to that, get clear on what it is you want to know.

Just One Question

Just as a lack of clarity and poor word choice can confound results, so can asking more than one question. Given one question a day means just one answer a day, it is tempting to try to tack on a follow on question. I have never had good results with this.

Would a mime be pissed if he had to act out the answer?

These types of meaningful dreams reveal their content metaphorically, though I think to call them metaphors is a bit of a misnomer. I don’t believe that the precognitive mind tries to be poetic. Instead, it appears to me that when a perception is unclear, our analytical mind makes a “best guess,” and so it appears as a metaphor. I’ve had up/down stock trends appear as a fishing rod catching a shark, racers climbing a wall, a kitten being rescued from a rooftop. The start of a long term downward trend in a stock that I owned was depicted as a crowd exiting a burning building while I remained, as I saw no smoke. I’ve had questions about cures for my chronic pain appear as a death certificate showing death as my cure.
Visuals like colors and angularity seem to be easier to come in. Also motion (up, down, around, etc.) and emotions. If your question is, “how would so and so feel if this happened, there’s a very good likelihood that you will witness or experience the emotion in the dream. Abstract concepts like alphanumerics or calendar dates are the hardest to perceive (though I did once see the word “Ta Da” in a dream, which I saw in print first thing the next morning… how often do you see that word in print?!).
If you liken this to charades, mime or poetic metaphor, consider if your question could be answered that way. And you can’t use “1st syllable” or “sounds like”. So company names would be tough. If your next job is largely indistinguishable from your current job (except, perhaps, for the name of the employer), good luck finding any imagery of value. (That said, I did perceive the town and office wall colors of my next job months before I even knew I would change jobs. Of no real utility at the time, but a shock to me when I arrived at my new office.)
Given that emotions seem easier to perceive, you might ask about the emotion, “how will I feel at my next job?” or something like that. You could even ask about other’s feelings; I’ve had some interesting results with that line of inquiry.
While the subconscious is no fan of rote repetition, it doesn’t hurt to pose the same question the next night, if you got no answer the previous night. I may ask questions nightly and only get an ‘answer’ once a week.
Lastly, analyzing dreams to get answers isn’t always straightforward. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between ‘meaningful’ vs. run-of-the-mill dreams. Even if you are confident it is a precognition, hasty analysis of ambiguous imagery may yield the opposite meaning. Dream precognitions, laced heavily in veiled imagery, often reveal their meanings only in retrospect.