ESP, remote viewing, precognitions in dreams, these are all evidence of a fundamental aspect of consciousness that we do not yet understand. It is always on: just as sound comes in even when we don’t listen, this too is always on, even if we think we aren’t ‘listening’, affecting us in ways that we almost always don’t realize. We cannot assume that the mechanism that permits these experiences goes only in one direction (as if we can receive information but not send it). A growing body of research1,2 (and my own experience) indicates it is a two-way street.
There are no doubt many lessons. Here is one:
Intention and expectation strengthen this always on, bidirectional signal. We have intentions and expectations all day long about so many things and people. Too many of our expectations however are negative; our fears and our imagined unfavorable outcomes get relayed. To be clear, those negative thoughts we have about other people may be picked up by them, and influence them in the opposite direction to what we want. We become complicit in their behavior.
We can use this knowledge to our advantage. By consciously becoming aware of our negative thoughts and reframing them by actively imagining and expecting outcomes with others that we do want, we relay a message that may influence outcomes in a favorable direction. I realize this notion confounds reason and sounds either terrifying or foolhardy. More and more, data indicate that this is the reality of the situation.
Do not conflate this with accepting/allowing the bad behavior of others. We are all still responsible for standing up for ourselves, setting proper boundaries and getting out of harms way. But we all have an extra tool in our toolkit, and there’s no time like the present to start using it.
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