The Usefulness of Victimhood

Every stance we take, we take it because there is some use to us for it; even being a victim.
For the purposes of this conversation, I am excluding children, the Third World, and war-torn regions… I’m talking about first world adult ‘victims’.
I’m talking from personal experience. There have been times where I liked to think of myself as a victim. If you had asked me, I would have said my position was ‘right’ or ‘true’. Truth is a slippery thing— the more closely I look for it, the more it evades me. Fair enough. Setting truth aside,  I—shortsightedly and conveniently— thought it was the only conclusion. Beware of the convenient conclusion! Eventually, I was introduced to another possibility: that my position was not true per se, nor was it the only position, but it was a useful position. Being a victim, useful? Yes:
‘Being a victim’ had its uses:

  • I got to garner sympathy
  • I didn’t have to consider my contribution the matter
  • I could easily end uncomfortable conversations by playing the victim card
  • If playing the victim card had the opposite effect of inflaming the conversation, that was ok too, because I got to feel ‘right’ and be a martyr

However, it had its downside:

  • It had no forward momentum; it persisted, as the matter was beyond my control
  • In such inertia, healing my hurt became equally difficult, as I waited for who-done-me-wrong to ask my forgiveness. Sometimes that person didn’t even know he or she offended me (I was too afraid to mention it), or if I got up the courage, they may have disagreed with me (I didn’t know how to stand up for myself in a way that created the outcomes I wanted), or they may have had bigger fish to fry than me (my emotional well being was not their priority).

I learned ‘being a victim’ is just one position I could adopt; there are other useful stances. What would happen if instead of ‘being a victim’, I asked myself, “what could I have done (or do) differently to produce a different outcome?” Without negating the hurt I felt, such a reframing placed me in a better position to make a difference.
The downsides:

  • I had to consider my contribution to the matter
  • I had to take action (internally and/or externally)
  • I no longer got to garner sympathy
  • I no longer had an easy way to end a conversation
  • I had to give up being a martyr

The upsides:

  • It placed me in the driver seat, I could create different outcomes
  • Using bad circumstances to guide better future actions is wisdom
  • It opened me up towards having forgiveness, a powerful healing emotion

I used to enjoy ‘being a victim’. Garnering sympathy felt really good, and not thinking about my role in situations was incredibly comfortable. But once I understood the distinction of true versus useful, being a victim became less comfortable for me, as I realized what I was missing out on. I pushed through the downsides of taking responsibility for situations (very uncomfortable!) and was rewarded with new benefits which far outweighed the ones I used to enjoy. Better-the-devil-I-knew was certainly true for me; it took tremendous courage to try the new, vulnerable and scary, but I could not have weighed the relative merits of each stance until I had actually tried both.

By Dan Pouliot

A New Hampshire native, Dan received his BFA in Oil Painting from UNH; his digital works are in multiple permanent collections. Dan’s been a positive psychology student/practitioner, a blogger, an amateur Remote Viewer, and now a novelist. His passion for positive thinking sets the stage for his debut young adult novel, Super Human, published by PortalStar Publishing. Dan describes Super Human as The Karate Kid meets Escape to Witch Mountain.