It's Just Not Working

Ever have a goal that is just too damn hard? Job? Kids? Marriage? Here are some questions to aks yourself: What is my goal? What is my commitment? If your goal and your commitment do not align, revisit them. Once your commitment is aligned with your goal, next ask: Where are my thoughts not in… Continue reading It's Just Not Working

'The Power of Negative Thinking' Misses The Mark

It’s not surprising that a a New York Times piece entitled ‘The Power of Negative Thinking’ would be a litany of negations. What is surprising is how easily the fallacies of those negations are revealed. “Positive Thinking” is a widely misunderstood topic, and Oliver Burkman’s article reflects popular misconceptions. Oliver quickly dismisses a laundry list of positive thinking tools:

If You Don't Trust People…

From Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching: If you don’t trust the people, you make them untrustworthy. This speaks to the paradox of how our expectations of others bring out that quality in them. It is an offense to our ego! But this truth— when wielded properly— can be used to shape outcomes with others.

It Sounds Like You're Angry

In Suppressing Anger is Not a Spiritual Value I touched on my own personal history with anger. As children, we make up our minds about certain things, we internalize our assessments and carry them in to adulthood. You wouldn’t take advice from a 5 year old about much, but that is essentially what we do. In our… Continue reading It Sounds Like You're Angry