Know Who to Ask About ESP

Never ask a man if sexism exists. Never ask a white person if racism exists. Never ask Scott McGreal over at Psychology Today if there is a scientific taboo against ESP. Ask four-time president of the Parapsychology Association, Dean Radin:

On Courtney Brown’s “Farsight Planet 2014: Great Pyramid of Giza”

On 3/14/14 remote viewer Courtney Brown launched his new project “The Great Pyramid of Giza: The Mystery solved”. He hyped the launch for about 6 weeks on his FaceBook page, with frequent postings of “implications”1. On Jan 22 on his Facebook page, Courtney characterized the announcement: “Something important is going to happen sometime next month,… Continue reading On Courtney Brown’s “Farsight Planet 2014: Great Pyramid of Giza”

Pseudoscience, Pseudo-skepticism and Rejection Bias

Everyone has heard of pseudoscience— unscientific ideas masquerading in the guise of science. But its corollary is less well known. Pseudo-skepticism is also unscientific ideas masquerading in the guise of science. Pseudo-skeptics are also known as debunkers but I prefer the former term as it rightly notes that pseudoscience and pseudo-skepticism are two sides of… Continue reading Pseudoscience, Pseudo-skepticism and Rejection Bias