ESP Does Not Violate Any Laws of Modern Physics

…with the emphasis on Modern (as opposed to Newtonian). Psychologist Gardner Murphy, president of the American Psychological Association and later of the American Society for Psychical Research, on parapsychology (Telepathy, ESP, etc.) and its relationship to physics: “Psychologists may be a little bewildered when they encounter modern physicists who take these phenomena [ESP, telepathy, etc.]… Continue reading ESP Does Not Violate Any Laws of Modern Physics

Do We Only Focus on What's Positive?

A common (though incorrect) criticism of positive thinking is that it means one must ignore/deny negativity. Doug Krug’s excellent book, “the Missing Piece in Leadership” sums up nicely the misunderstanding and the reality: A frequently asked question is, “Are you suggesting that we only focus on the positive and ignore what’s wrong?” No. Telling the… Continue reading Do We Only Focus on What's Positive?

John Cleese on Creativity

Think of creativity more broadly. It applies to every goal we have. “Make wrongs” are contrary, they stifle creative thoughts. If you can’t get enough John Cleese, here’s another talk where he talks about the value of sleeping on creative problems.

Categorized as Creativity

Heretical Science

Nobel Laureate Brian Josephson’s lecture on heretical science. He pokes holes in popular skeptic arguments against telepathy, whether water can have a memory (homeopathy), cold fusion and intelligent design. 1 hour, time well spent. Available on the University of Cambridge web site. I loved the name of the talk so much, I added that as… Continue reading Heretical Science

Rupert Sheldrake, Dogs and Owners, and Skeptics

Simon Thorpe is the Deputy Director of the Brain and Cognitive Research Center in Toulouse France. Below is a video talk from him about paranormal phenomena, where he in particular discusses Rupert Sheldrake’s study into whether dogs know when their owners are coming home.

Categorized as Skepticism